Dallas — Fox Energy Specialists | Texas Energy Code and HERS Rating Services
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Dallas-Fort Worth

Our local Energy Inspection, Testing, and Rating Services


Certification Services for the Dallas-Fort Worth Area


DFW's Service Details and Processes


Energy Compliance Modeling/Reporting

This service is often referred to as the "plan review or plan analysis" stage. During the beginning stages of the construction process, it is critical to have your construction documents reviewed and approved in a timely manner, with no unnecessary delays. Our consultants and Certified Plans Examiners will work closely with you to analyze your building specifications, and assist you in finding the most cost-effective alternatives for building energy-efficient housing.


Energy Code Inspections and Testing

DFW jurisdictions today currently enforce either the 2015, 2018, or 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). This requires energy code inspections and testing for all residential single-family construction. Fox Energy Specialists does this all day, every day. Our ICC and HERS Certified Staff can perform the necessary inspections, duct blower, blower door, and other energy performance tests to keep your project compliant, without slowing down your production.


Energy Rating Index Certification


New to the State of Texas Energy Code (HB 3215) is the Energy Rating Index (ERI) alternative compliance path. Currently, the State of Texas minimum ERI score for energy code compliance will be a 59 for Climate Zone 3 (Greater Dallas-Fort Worth Area). One way to demonstrate energy code compliance is by utilizing a HERS Index on your homes. The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index is the industry standard by which a home's energy efficiency is measured. It’s also the nationally recognized system for inspecting and calculating a home's energy performance. An energy-efficient home conforming to the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) typically has a HERS Index Score of 100. This means homes with lower scores are more energy efficient while those with higher scores are not as energy efficient. The HERS Index often serves a prerequisite to many local and national Green Building Programs. So, if you are considering building homes that are certified to a specific Green Building Program, the HERS Index is a great launching pad to begin that process.